Clinton Macsherry to Retire from Maryland Family Network
After nearly 25 years leading Maryland Family Network’s (MFN) advocacy and public policy efforts, my dear friend and colleague, Clinton Macsherry will retire on December 31, 2024.
During his time as MFN’s Director of Public Policy, Macsherry played instrumental roles in unifying early childhood programs within the State Department of Education, dramatically expanding public prekindergarten, enacting paid family and medical leave, and winning unprecedented state investments in child care.
"The opportunities I've been given by MFN have been extraordinary, and with an A-team of colleagues and allies, I know we've made a difference in the lives of young children, their parents, and all who care for them. I also know that I've been a flight attendant on a plane I didn't build, and I can't wait to see where my crewmates fly it next."
Macsherry began his tenure with the Maryland Committee for Children in 2000 and helped shepherd the merger of that organization with Friends of the Family to form Maryland Family Network in 2009. Macsherry’s leadership solidified MFN as the leading voice for children and families in Annapolis. He established partnerships, coordinated a statewide public policy committee, and became a respected colleague in a national network of early childhood education advocates.
“Clinton embodies what it means to be an unwavering advocate and strong partner. He ensures everyone's voice is heard and strives to align goals. He makes it look effortless, even in the most difficult circumstances. He will be missed, and I look forward to continuing our collaboration and partnership with Maryland Family Network,” said Rachel London, Executive Director, Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council.
MFN’s public policy work will continue under the guidance of Beth Morrow, who was named Director of Public Policy in November of 2023. Morrow, who joined MFN in 2018 as Associate Director of Public Policy, has been instrumental in developing legislative strategy and engaging stakeholders. Morrow also served as Public Policy Coordinator for MFN’s legacy organization, Maryland Committee for Children, from 2001 – 2006. MFN is also pleased to welcome Lisa Klingenmaier, formerly the Executive Director of Maryland Rise, as our Deputy Director of Public Policy.
Learn more about MFN’s Public Policy work at

Laura Weeldreyer is the Executive Director of Maryland Family Network. Over the course of her career, she has devoted herself to improving educational outcomes for students ranging from babies and their families all the way up to senior high school students who were getting ready to graduate. This blog is an opportunity for Laura to share her experience and expertise but also to learn from her readers.